INUS International Course on Neuro-Urology in Bangkok (Thailand)

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INUS International Course on Neuro-Urology in Bangkok (Thailand)

27.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
Bangkok (Thailand)

INUS International Course on Neuro-Urology - South-East-Asia

Joint venture of INUS with the Thai Urology Association (TUA), the Thai Continence Society (ThCS) and the Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association (TRMA)

June 27-28th 2024 at King Chulalongkorn Hospital in Bangkok (Thailand)



INUS representative(s): Thomas Kessler, Helmut Madersbacher

Program: click here to download


Report by Helmut Madersbacher:

The Course took place on Thursday June 27th and Friday June 28th with a full program on both days in Bangkok at Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park. INUS was represented by Prof. Thomas Kessler, President of INUS, Prof. Helmut Madersbacher, Immediate Past President of INUS, PD Dr. Lorenz Leitner, Mrs. Sarah Baumann, Mrs. Dora Mair; unfortunately Prof. Sinha Sanjay from India was not able to participate for family reasons and Lea Heller from Switzerland for health reasons.

The Scientific Program offered 27 lectures, 16 presented by the INUS Faculty,
8 by Thai colleagues, 2 by a Korean colleague and one by an Indonesian colleague.
INUS would also like to thank all the Faculty members from TUA, ThCS and TRMA as well as from INUS for their excellent lectures.

Beside the Scientific Program also a Nurse Workshop on Thursday, 27th June from 14:00 – 18:00 hours with a Hands-on Training on intermittent catheterization with different techniques and different materials provided by the relevant companies was offered as well as a Urodynamic Workshop on Friday, 28th June 13:30 – 17:30 hours comprising also a Hands-on Training on urodynamic techniques. This Workshop was sponsored by the Laborie company.  

160 persons were registered to the Congress, 130 from Thailand and 30 from surrounding countries (from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, India). The Nurse Workshop was attended by 30 persons, the Urodynamic Workshop by 40 participants.
INUS was very pleased that there was a very good and active participation from our Thai colleagues as chairpersons and as speakers, one Faculty member was from Indonesia (Prof. Harrina Erlianti Rahardjo), unfortunately she could not attend the meeting in the last moment and so her colleague Dr. Andika Afriansyah took over her lecture.
The Scientific Program as well as the Workshops offered enough time for discussion which was used extensively by the participants.

The Course also offered a Poster Session with Awards sponsored by the Swiss Continence Foundation. The Poster Session was organized as an E-Poster Session, the Posters were presented during Thursday, 27th and Friday 28th on TV screens in the Exhibition area before the Session.
The first award was given to Dr. Puneeth Medapati from New Delhi, India with his Poster entitled “Neurological safety and efficacy of Darifenacin and Mirabegron for the treatment of overactive bladder in patients with history of cerebrovascular accident: a prospective study”, the second award went to Dr. Stephanie Theodora Yulinda from Indonesia with her Poster entitled “Mixed detrusor underactive and overactive in a young male adult with diabetes mellitus: a case report” and the third award went to Dr. Farida Arisanti from Indonesia with the Poster on “Spinal lesion symptoms of neurogenic lower urinary dysfunction (nLUTD) as manifesting presentation of a rare intradural-extramedulary spinal tuberculoma coexisting with tuberculous meningitis grade III-complicating by arachnoiditis; a case report”.

The excellent Faculty Dinner took place on Thursday, June 27th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and was extensively used to build up new connections between the participants of the different countries.

This Neuro-Urology Course was supported by Laborie from Canada, by Eisai from Thailand and by Hollister from Ireland, moreover 10 local companies exhibited their products. The organizing societies would like to thank them all for their support.

At the end INUS would like to express its thankfulness in the name of the INUS president Prof. Dr. Thomas Kessler to the Thai Urological Association (TUA), with its president Dr. Vorapot Choonhaklai, the Thai Continence Society (ThCS) with its president Dr. Apirak Santingamkun and the Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association (TRMA) with its president Dr. Witsanu Kumthornthip for the continuous support before and during the meeting, especially to Mrs. Narisa Nakpairat (TUA) who took care of almost everything, supported by Dr. Sonthidetch Sivilaikul, a urologist in Bangkok and member of INUS and TUA as well as by Dr. Chayaporn “Eve” Chotiyarnwong (TRMA).

We sincerely hope that the participating colleagues could benefit from this Course and could use the gained neuro-urological knowledge in their daily practise.



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